October 21
‘Did I not tell you I must do whatever the Lord says?’ Numbers 23:26b
Bible reading: Acts 8:26-40 (Go to the Bible passage)
Here too we read plainly: ‘Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip,’ and: ‘The Spirit told Philip,’ like it is the most natural thing in the world. Indeed, the whole Bible is full of this: ‘And the Lord said to…’
The more we read the Bible with a prayer in our heart - longing to find God Who seems so distant - the more we discover that we have got stuck in a kind of religiosity in which reality is solely on our side, and we only presume the existence of God. What we call ‘the speaking of God’, is often no more than what we read in the Bible. Or - in all circumstances the Bible does not cover - we declare the best thoughts of our own heart to be the voice of God.
But the biblical testimony is clear: the Holy Spirit speaks in the church of Jesus. How can this be? Is the God-is-dead-theology then right after all? Is there no God anymore, Who speaks to His children in a clear and simple way?
No, God really is the Eternal Unchanging One! But we have changed.
We refuse to humble ourselves before God and we only seek a God Who delivers us from existential fear and Who guarantees a prosperous life. But if we persevere in our intention to do only what He tells us, we get to know Him again as a heavenly Father Who takes care for His children like no earthly father could ever do.
How rich we are in this world that is estranged from God, for we may live out of the reality of His mercy!

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