April 2
‘If you repent, I will restore you, that you may serve me; if you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman.’ Jeremiah 15:19a
Bible reading: Lamentations 5:1-22 (Go to the Bible passage)
Of course we can say - out of a false sense of optimism - that everything will be all right. Then we do not need to pray to God for salvation, neither do we need to bow down before God. But if we let the Holy Spirit teach us - and therefore are willing to let go of our own insights - we become aware that all turmoil and stress of our time are caused by our apostasy from the living God.
No, let us not be blinded by all religious activities we manage to produce or the renewals that are achieved everywhere. Those are all worthless if they only serve to gloss over the fact that we turned our backs upon the living God.
Perhaps you feel it is open to question if we really have turned our backs upon God? Just look around: look at the distress among the young, the addicted, the religious ones, and ask yourself if ever a prayer like Jeremiah’s arose in your desperate heart. If we - seeing this much distress - do not call loudly to God, but only criticize everything which is not as it should be, we do not have God’s love in our hearts and we hide in the seemingly safe bunker of conservatism.
If we still believe in a living Lord, then we will not maintain ourselves any longer amidst the ruins of decay, but we will be willing to live among these from God alienated people with a priestly heart, without any condemnation of anyone but ourselves, because of our own negligence and lack of love.
Then a priestly compassion arises in our hearts, which God can endow with power, so that He can make us an example, a message of calling upon Jesus and kneeling before God in renewed submission to Him Who takes pity on such people!

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